The Government Information Service (RVD) is responsible for communications concerning the members of the Royal House. It is also in charge of media relations for public appearances in the Netherlands and other countries by members of the Royal House.

Invitations for members of the Royal House
Members of the Royal House receive a great many requests to attend events, celebrations and other special occasions. It is impossible for them to accept all these invitations. Please submit your invitation in writing well in advance of the event.
Correspondence for members of the Royal House
Please address all correspondence for members of the Royal House to Noordeinde Palace.
<Name of addressee>
Paleis Noordeinde
Postbus 30412
2500 GK Den Haag
The Netherlands
Correspondence for Princess Margriet and Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven
Please address all correspondence for Princess Margriet and Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven to Het Loo House. It will then be forwarded to the appropriate secretariat.
<Name of addressee>
Huis Het Loo
Koninklijk Park 23
7315 AA Apeldoorn
The Netherlands