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515 Speeches

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  1. Online speech Queen Máxima at the World Food Programme Executive Board Annual Session in Rome

    Queen Máxima is the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development.

    Speech | 26-06-2023

  2. Allocution de Sa Majesté le roi Willem-Alexander pour l’ouverture du Forum sur les technologies climatiques, Gare Maritime, Bruxelles

    Speech | 21-06-2023

  3. Allocution de Sa Majesté le roi Willem-Alexander à l’occasion du dîner d’État dans le cadre de la visite d’État à l’invitation de Leurs Majestés le roi Philippe et la reine Mathilde des Belges, Bruxelles

    Speech | 20-06-2023

  4. Tischrede Seiner Majestät König Willem-Alexander beim Staatsbesuch bei Ihren Majestäten König Philippe und Königin Mathilde der Belgier, Brüssel

    Speech | 20-06-2023

  5. Speech by King Willem-Alexander at the dinner for the Diplomatic Corps at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam

    Speech | 14-06-2023

  6. Speech by King Willem-Alexander at the lunch ‘375 years of Diplomatic Relations between Spain and the Netherlands and the development of the Hydrogen Corridor’ in Madrid

    Speech | 13-06-2023

  7. Speech by Queen Máxima at Masterly during the Dutch Design Week in Milan

    Speech | 18-04-2023

  8. Speech by Queen Máxima during the Spring Meetings of IMF and the World Bank at the IMF seminar 'Digital Public Infrastructure: Stacking up the benefits', Washington D.C.

    Queen Máxima is the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA). 

    Speech | 14-04-2023

  9. Allocution de Sa Majesté le roi Willem-Alexander à l’occasion du dîner d’État dans le cadre de la visite d’État du Président de la République française, Emmanuel Macron, Amsterdam

    Speech | 11-04-2023

  10. Speech by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander at the opening of the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York

    Speech | 22-03-2023